Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Black Pump: Is It in Your Closet?

A long, long time ago, my fabulous friend, Ariel, asked me to find her some affordable, basic, closed-toe pumps to wear to her internship at Parliament. About a week after she asked, she abandoned me to go frolic around London, so I never got a chance to find her those pumps.

It's a little late for Ariel to get any use out of this post (serves you right for leaving me), but I felt like it still has to be done. A simple, black, closed-toe pump is such a canonical piece of fashion that it needs to be a resident of every woman's closet. From the office, to the classroom, to the party, to the grocery store-- black pumps fit seamlessly into any outfit.

Here are some affordable versions of this iconic item, enjoy!

-Annie Wazer

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